Sleep Is Your Secret Weapon

If only sleep were as easy for humans as it is for our dog Daisy

Our dog Daisy knows what she’s doing. She makes sleep a top priority, every night, every day, every hour, as a matter of fact. HA!

But…Daisy is cheating. She only has three things on her mind, food, fun, and sleep.

It’s not that easy for us. We have work, bills, chores, family, and loads of other things. Dang it! Human life as a grown up is complex! I wish I could be a lab mix … UGH!

As a full-fledged 49 year old grown up, I have struggled maintaining regular high-quality sleep in recent years. I have met with my doctor, changed my diet and exercise patterns, and even consulted with my expert sleeper wife, Christina.

I ask her, “Honey, teach me how you do that instant coma thing every night. It’s amazing.”

All these efforts have helped guide me, but you know what helped me the most? (And what you would usually never hear a doctor say?) I consulted with The Google!

Yep, I just read the list of a few really simple tips, and when I act on them, my sleep improves!

So as your BIGFOOT HEALTH professional, I say, dive in to the internet. It’s hard to believe I am saying it. Let me help make it easy.

Fellow BIGFOOT HEALTH professional Dr. Jeff Blixt noted that no single diet works for everyone, and I would say that sleep tips are similar. If you want to “sleep like a dog” you may have to experiment to find out what sleep tips work best for you. Quality sleep requires intentional practice, for myself included!  

So give it a go! Start with the little things, like building a consistent evening routine, shutting down the screens, less caffeine, and less alcohol, and see how you do. You might find yourself well-rested and feeling great. Dare I say, you may feel “fresh as a Daisy!”

Yours in Zzzzzz,
Dr. Kirk Woelffer

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