About Jeff
Dr. Blixt, an Osteopathic Physician is currently in private practice treating patients primarily related to addiction and weight-related conditions. Prior to specialization is these two areas he was a Family Practice physician. Those roots are still with him and believe in treating the whole person.
Currently is also Medical Director at Recovery Unlimited, a comprehensive outpatient addiction treatment program. Previous employment has included Medical Director of Shadow Mountain Recovery and Detox.
As a physician for over 19 years, he has treated and helped persons with wide ranging health related issues. He is board certified by the ABOM in Addiction Medicine. As a former Family Practice physician and now specializing in treating persons with addictions and weight related issues he sees the importance of a trusting relationship between physicians and patients. Fostering this trusting relationship can help persons achieve their goals for their overall health. And often more importantly at least start asking that question. “What are my goals for my health?” Yes, life can move pretty quickly! He is passionate about what he does professionally as a physician.
Personal Interests
In his personal life he enjoys spending time with his family and getting outdoors whenever he can. You might find him running, hiking or biking on many of the great mountains and trails Colorado has to offer.
Other personal interests include Yoga and meditation. No headstands yet, maybe someday.
His Belief
He believes that it is important to exercise the mind as well as the body. Life has many demands that can seem to extinguish that spark that we all have, making time to take care of our mind and body in healthy ways can help keep that flame shinning bright. Despite our struggles, challenges and imperfections we can live more happy and healthy lives. If stress creates a crack or two in our wellbeing that may actually be the opportunity we need both to let the light shine into us, but also letting our own light shine out.
He sees a commonality in treating any potentially chronic condition, be it a substance use disorder, struggling with weight related issues, treating diabetes or high blood pressure or even depression. While these are different conditions that may require different medical treatment options. They can all be helped with lifestyle changes, stress management, exercise, etc. They can all be helped with more support and community involvement.
While these “preventive care” measures may be brought up in an office visit with your physician and we all leave with the best intentions it’s hard to put it all together with the rest of life waiting at the doorsteps. But what if that connection does not end after the office visit. What if your health care provider and you continue to connect and provide motivation. What if you have a place where you can share and motivate yourself while even motivating others. When you are ready to take that first step you don’t have to take it alone and we will take that Bigfoot step together.
What does Bigfoot health mean to me?
It means I want and need support with goals I have to live the best life I can live. Connecting with friends, mentors, coaches and likeminded persons. These all help motivate me to be the best I can be. That’s why big foot health is starting, four friends who are excited about our own health and want others to be as well, sharing our goal, networking with others in person and through the internet and social media. I want to help motivate you and I can’t wait for you and your story to motivate me.
Despite our many differences and beliefs, I think most people would like a place where we can come together and may realize we are more likeminded than we may think.

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