
About Kirk

Husband, father, podiatrist, Minnesota native, sports nut, dog lover, car guy, singer in a rock-n-roll band, middle-aged hoops player, youth soccer/basketball coach.

What is Bigfoot?

What does it mean to me? Bigfoot Health means everyone – all shapes, sizes, colors, – has the potential to be healthy and happy in mind, body and spirit. Bigfoot Health is on a mission to do just that. Adults, Kids, and seniors will inspire each other, through photos, blogs, and social media posts, to achieve a healthy, happy lifestyle. The doctors and professionals at Bigfoot Health will provide guidance and expertise to help us all make healthy choices, everyday. WE will all help EACH OTHER. WE WILL DO IT TOGETHER!

Professional Career

Board-Certified Podiatrist, Foot and Ankle Surgeon, practicing in Raleigh, North Carolina since 2000.

Raleigh Foot and Ankle Center
Foot and Ankle Specialists of the Mid Atlantic
Team Podiatrist, Courage/NCFC Pro Soccer Teams
Past Team Podiatrist, Carolina Hurricanes, NHL Pro Hockey Team
Past President, North Carolina Foot & Ankle Society
Physician, Open Door Clinic, Urban Ministries, Raleigh, NC
Physician, Alliance Medical Ministry, Raleigh, NC

Professional Philosophy

My goal everyday is to help my patients be the best they can be. I try to utilize my training and experience to craft a treatment plan that will be effective for each individual. Everyone is different! So, every treatment plan is different.
Also, I try to make going to the doctor a positive experience. I want to give my patients my enthusiasm, and fill them with encouragement and support.
Patients are spending a lot of time and money to see doctors, so I try to lift them up, listen to their concerns, and construct a treatment plan bursting with hope. Hope can help the patient feel good about the treatment plan, and, thus, better follow through with its course. A good plan, from a good doctor, often leads to a good outcome. Patients deserve our best; our best advice, our best listening ear, and our best attitude. I want to help everyone be their best!

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